
I appreciate the feedback you are about to send us in the section below and will take note of the sincerity and severity in your words. I am here to listen and address your concerns in good faith.

Anything divulged here in good faith is sent directly to matt@leviathanbakehouse.com and will be shared with management on a case-by-case basis. Your message may be paraphrased during communication to protect your identity. If you do not sign your name on this feedback it is the assumption that you wish to remain anonymous and will be respected as such.

All information provided here is handled with absolute confidentiality; it is my promise to you that it will be handled ethically, professionally, and nothing shared here will be investigated with the intent to seek repercussion. You are protected by OSHA law against retaliation by supervisors, managers, and ownership for speaking up on an issue in the workplace.

OSHA Anti-Retaliation Program Recommended Practices

Please speak your mind below.